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Deepak Chopra: Love and Compassion [Part 2]

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Again thanks to Toyota for allowing me to experience the Oprah Life You Want Weekend in Houston.
It was truly inspirational.

Oprah's first speaker, Deepak Chopra, respected for his holistic views, was a breath of fresh air. He outlined "7 Steps to an Awesome Life" help embrace and love your life. While these are a simple overview, I feel like they are thought provoking enough for you to apply and enjoy.

Step 1. See the world as a reflection of yourself

  • Simply, what you put into the world is what you get out of it 
  • If you love and are kind, the world will love and be kind to you

Step 2. Understand the essence of relationship

  • The people in our journey come and go as a necessary part of our souls

Step 3. Make sure your intentions are not only for yourself but for the common good

  • When you look for ways to help others and expand your reasonings you begin to be less selfish

Step 4. Learn to center yourself in true self/soul, beyond ego

  • Allow yourself to have a clear, alert heart, and loving compassionate heart
  • These are the gaps between our thoughts and mediations, where our minds wander when we allow ourselves to be silent

Step 5. Free yourself of emotional toxicity -hostility, resentment, jealousy, guilt, and shame

  • These emotions weight us down and cause us to not reach our full potential 
  • It may be hard, but letting go of these emotions can change your whole outlook

Step 6. Embrace the masculine and feminine of the universal energies in you

  • We all have our own strengths and weaknesses, and to categorize them as masculine or feminine is putting constraints on our own potential
  • Accepting those strengths and weaknesses as just being "you" will allow you to fully embrace yourself. 

Step 7. Keep yourself healthy

  • Focus on your overall health, mentally, physically, and emotional will help you be clear enough to achieve the life you want. 

Overall you must ask yourself: 
What is it in me that is creating this situation? 
Because I am responsible for my life. 

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