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Celebrating #EveryFlush 1 flush at a time- GIVEAWAY

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Most of you know I have a beautiful 3 year old who is my absolute and total heart, I have managed to incorporate him into the site, because he is the biggest part of my life :) For the last 2 to 3 months we have been potty training Anthony- AC for short,  and aside from that task I have been participating in the Madrina del Bano, Every Flush campaign with Pull-Ups where we celebrate AC's accomplishments of doing the do IN the toilet and wipeing his bottom and learning how to flush the toilet... I am so proud of my little one and proud to announce that ANTHONY IS POTTY TRAINED!!! 

The campaign came right on time. Anthony was being the normal 3 year old who was fighting me during potty breaks, had a few accidents around the house and simply refused to potty outside of his diapers. You can imagine how much fun I was having. enter to win below, easy and fun! 

Pull-Ups sent me a super cool package including celebration items to make this a fun and learning experience. The package included a large size of Pull-Ups potty training diapers, I chose the CARS (for boys) potty training seat and diaers, and flushable wipes which makes it handy for us to wipe correctly.

One thing that helped me out was the Pull-Ups App and I recommend you do download it too,  it helps out alot, especially for us busy mommies on the go. It has lots of tips and fun things to learn and do.

FUN, Simple, Easy!


COMMENT below with a potty training tip (advice) for a chance to win the same items I just mentioned (above and are pictured above) The Pull-Ups, flushable wipes and kid size potty seat will make your potty training experience with your lil man or lady a fun and bonding experience. It did for me and my son and his daddy as well :)

you will get either a little girl or boy collection of Pull-Ups


visit to learn more about Pull-Ups and to check out the video on YouTube

lots more info on the products at OR

This is part of a compensated campaign with Latina Mom Bloggers and Pull Ups. However, all opinions expressed are my own.


Unknown said...

My potty training tip is to be very patient while their on the chair and wait by them. Do not get mad if they take too long or they might get scared. :)

Unknown said...

My advice would be to have patience and wait by them. Do not get mad or frustrated or they might get scared. :)

Unknown said...

Se necesita Mucha paciencia y Constancia, Esta etapa es muy importante para ellos porque es un gran logro cada dia, los hace sentir que ya estan creciendo, los llena de felicidad aprender :)

Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

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