Hola SpoiledOnes! How have you been? Espero que bien!
Well, winter has come and went and summer is slowly approaching, gardens are blossoming and squirrels are playing in the yards. I got so excited the other day, when I noticed my flower buds blossoming. I live a wooded residential area, where most of my neighbors keep their lawns looking really nice. I even have one neighbor who I find cutting his yard, twice a week. So of course; we don't want to be the house with the ugly yard so we have our yard cut every other week.
Lately, I've been wanting to experiment with gardening on my own. I remember as a child, my mother would be outside in our home garden planting flowers, trees and fruits. My father had a chile' tree, where he would send me to pick chile del monte to compliment his breakfast or lunch. My grandmother in Mexico, has banana, tomato, chile, papaya I mean everything you can think of in her garden so all those memories and everything combined has inspired me start with my garden.
One thing about gardening and getting the look or personality that we want (as in all facets of our life) is the quality of the products we use. I actually went to Wal-Mart (because mom used to go to Wal-Mart and Handy Dan). I purchased Scotts Miracle-Gro and Ortho Round Up because for Spring Cleaning our garden these products are ideal. I really want to make my yard look fab and take advantage of the woody area we live in. I also have a deck in my back yard and planning for my garden space to look beautiful for 4th of July or a nice dinner with the family outdoors.
I'll be working on my outdoor space...and will share progress soon.
(part of a compensated post, all opinions expressed are my own)
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